I don't believe in coincidences. I don't believe that things happen randomly. Things we read, hear, see at any given moment - God has placed them in our path at that specific time in our lives - that very second - because we need to take it in. Yesterday I began reading a blog by Erin Witkowski, mama of two beautiful boys - "Grady's Secret: Ski'ing Through Life." Erin's second son Grady is "genetically enhanced" as she calls it (LOVE that!) - he was born with Trisomy 21, or Down Syndrome. She began her blog on October 18 - soon after finding out Grady's diagnosis. Her honest stories of the days leading up to the diagnosis, as well as the months awaiting Grady's birth, will make you cry, laugh - but ultimately make you feel inspired as a mother. http://skiingthroughlife.wordpress.com/
As mamas, we each travel different paths. But our journeys all intersect at one specific point - the absolute, 100% pure love we feel for our children. Out of the billions of possible genetic combinations - God knew that your particular baby needed you as it's mama - and that you needed this baby to become the person your are meant to be in life.
As I head to the Pediatric ENT doctor with Paige later this afternoon, I know I have the support of all the other mamas out there - and that I can be strong for my baby girl... Why? Because I'm her mama.