The Essential 17 Fruits and Veggies
- Apples: antioxidants, soluble fiber
- Avocados: monosaturated “healthy” fat, soluble fiber, Vitamin E
- Bananas: potassium, Vitamin B6
- Beans (Black, Pinto, Navy): potassium, folate, fiber
- Beets: antioxidants, folic acid and potassium
- Carrots: beta carotene, insoluble fiber
- Cucumber: vitamin A, vitamin C, folate, magnesium, potassium
- Green Beans: vitamin B6, protein, folic acid, potassium
- Melon (Cantaloupe, Honeydew): beta carotene, Vitamin C
- Peaches: niacin, thiamine, potassium , calcium, beta carotene
- Pears: soluble fiber, vitamins B2, C, E, and potassium
- Peas: folate, soluble and insoluble fiber
- Plums: soluble fiber, vitamin C, vitamin A, beta carotene
- Pumpkin: potassium, beta carotene, Vitamin A
- Squash (Summer, Yellow, Butternut): Beta carotene, potassium, vitamin C, lutein
- Sweet Potato: soluble fiber, beta carotene, antioxidants, Vitamin A
- Zucchini: vitamin C, lutein, vitamin B6, riboflavin
Glossary of Vitamins and Minerals
- Antioxidants: Protect healthy cells against damage; Shown to fight off certain cancers and sharpen memory
- Beta Carotene: Helps keep the skin and eyes healthy
- Calcium: Helps keep bones and teeth strong
- Folate: Promotes heart health
- Folic Acid: Promotes healthy growth and function of cells
- Insoluble Fiber: Prevents constipation and keeps bowels moving properly
- Lutein: Promotes eye health
- Magnesium: Helps in the contraction and relaxation of muscles; Promotes production of protein and energy
- Monosaturated Fat: The “healthy” fat, Helps to lower cholesterol and keep your heart healthy
- Niacin: See Vitamin B3
- Potassium: Good for heart health and regulating blood pressure
- Riboflavin: See Vitamin B2
- Soluble Fiber: Helps to stabilize blood sugar levels
- Thiamine: See Vitamin B1
- Vitamin A: Promotes good vision; Helps form and maintain healthy skin, teeth, skeletal and soft tissue, mucus membranes, and skin
- Vitamin B1 (aka Thiamine): Helps break down sugars in the blood and reduce inflamation
- Vitamin B2 (aka Riboflavin): Important for growth and red blood cell production, Also a great source of energy
- Vitamin B3 (aka Niacin): Helps lower cholesterol and promotes blood circulation
- Vitamin B6: Promotes brain health and function, Supports production of certain hormones and enzymes
- Vitamin C: Promotes healing and healthy cell growth
- Vitamin E: Promotes healthy cell growth, including healing cuts and scrapes
Be sure to click here - - to read all the posts on making your own baby food and purees! It will be an easy way to keep track and look for new updates!
Or follow the links below to all my other posts on making homemade baby food and purees:
Easy-Peezy Purees - What You Need to Get Started:
The Basics of Making Homemade Baby Food - How to Puree:
Easy-Peezy Purees - The Essential 17 Fruits and Veggies Every Mama Needs to Know:
Easy-Peezy Homemade Baby Food and Purees - Foods to Avoid:
The Whys and Hows of Transitioning Your Little One to Solids: