Head Lice. UUGH! Just saying those words makes me start to itch. The thought of those tiny bugs nesting and hatching in my child's hair makes me want to vomit. For real. I might have to burn my house to the ground if we ever have a lice infestation. So far, so good - we've avoided lice. But from what I hear, there is a lice situation brewing in schools across the country. So it's just a matter of time before my child is exposed. But here's my question: Is there any way to avoid contracting lice? Not to mention: How does lice spread? And how can I keep those bugs out of my kids' hair and my house?

So here goes - everything you've ever wanted to know about lice and - most importantly - how to keep your kids from getting lice. Halleluiah! {{ITCHY YET!?}}
1. Are people with dirty, greasy hair more likely to contract lice?
No. Lice love nothing more than a head full of clean, fluffy hair. Our LiceLogic Repel Kit with Repel Conditioning Hair Spray will keep the lice at bay by using natural plant-based enzymes as part of our Triple Shield Effect Regimen.
No. Lice love nothing more than a head full of clean, fluffy hair. Our LiceLogic Repel Kit with Repel Conditioning Hair Spray will keep the lice at bay by using natural plant-based enzymes as part of our Triple Shield Effect Regimen.
2. Do lice repellent sprays really work? Yes! Our LiceLogic Conditioning Hair Sprays are a perfect example. Lice are repelled by the powerful combination of LiceLogic's proprietary enzyme and essential oils we put in all of our lice repel products. The lice simply view anything coated in our repel products as a toxic environment and do not want to go near it or stay near it.
3. How can a spray or shampoo + conditioner REALLY repel lice? Sounds too good to be true. Can you explain the science behind it?
make formidable opponents because they are protected by strong exoskeletons -
hardened shells that cover them like a suit of armor. The surface of every
insect's exoskeleton is covered with a waxy, water-repellant patina known as
the cuticle. This outer coating protects the insect from harm, and has long
been an obstacle for traditional pesticide's effectiveness - since the
chemicals must penetrate the cuticle in order to affect the insect. Since we
know lice employ enzymes to escape their exoskeletons, we have formulated our
LiceLogic line by utilizing cultured plant based enzymes that mimic those found
in nature which have the power to dismantle the armor of a louse instantly.
LiceLogic’s proprietary enzyme digests the insect's waxy cuticle on contact and
dismantles their exoskeleton - effectively forcing insects into immediate
molting in which the protective shell is stripped, their nervous system is
exposed, and as a result they die. LiceLogic has been independently tested by
Katie Shepherd who heads the renowned Shepherd Institute. Katie Shepherd,
is recognized as one of the top lice experts in the world. Today LiceLogic is
used by professional lice removal companies around the world and at the
Shepherd Institute. Click HERE
to view an overview of the study.
4. Can lice fly or jump?
No. Lice can only crawl and travel from strand to strand of hair. If they sense danger, they will let go and fall off the hair. Lice do not have wings and cannot fly.
No. Lice can only crawl and travel from strand to strand of hair. If they sense danger, they will let go and fall off the hair. Lice do not have wings and cannot fly.
5. Can a person automatically get lice from being near someone who has lice?
No. However, if someone in your family is exposed to lice you should do a thorough check of each family member’s hair and scalp. It can happen that one or more family members contract lice, while others are completely unaffected.
No. However, if someone in your family is exposed to lice you should do a thorough check of each family member’s hair and scalp. It can happen that one or more family members contract lice, while others are completely unaffected.
6. Is it possible to treat a lice infestation by coating the hair in a greasy substance overnight?
No! Though some people report success using greasy substances like olive oil and mayonnaise to “suffocate” lice, this method is really not the best way to get rid of an infestation. Our LiceLogic line uses natural enzymes to target and destroy lice and nits, putting an end to the cycle of head lice infestation that occurs when even a few lice or nits survive and are left in the hair.
No! Though some people report success using greasy substances like olive oil and mayonnaise to “suffocate” lice, this method is really not the best way to get rid of an infestation. Our LiceLogic line uses natural enzymes to target and destroy lice and nits, putting an end to the cycle of head lice infestation that occurs when even a few lice or nits survive and are left in the hair.
7. Is it possible to get rid of lice with a single shampooing treatment as promised by some products?
No. If it were so simple, lice would not be such a large, enduring and common problem. It is necessary to use a sturdy metal nit comb in conjunction with all lice shampoos, whether natural or pesticide-based, because nits are glued to the hair and need to be manually removed.
No. If it were so simple, lice would not be such a large, enduring and common problem. It is necessary to use a sturdy metal nit comb in conjunction with all lice shampoos, whether natural or pesticide-based, because nits are glued to the hair and need to be manually removed.
8. Is the plastic nit comb that comes with a standard OTC lice treatment strong enough to remove all nits?
No. Cheap plastic nit combs break easily when pulled across thicker hair. Oftentimes, the teeth bend and therefore cannot eliminate lice infestation effectively. Having a strong metal nit comb is a must and will also help cut down on treatment time. A metal comb is also a greener choice, as it is reusable and recyclable.
No. Cheap plastic nit combs break easily when pulled across thicker hair. Oftentimes, the teeth bend and therefore cannot eliminate lice infestation effectively. Having a strong metal nit comb is a must and will also help cut down on treatment time. A metal comb is also a greener choice, as it is reusable and recyclable.
9. Are there products that treat nits in addition to lice?
Yes! Our LiceLogic Clear & Free Shampoo was independently tested and shown to kill both lice and nits on contact. Nits that came into contact with our LiceLogic Clear & Free Shampoo were rendered non-viable and did not go on to hatch.
Yes! Our LiceLogic Clear & Free Shampoo was independently tested and shown to kill both lice and nits on contact. Nits that came into contact with our LiceLogic Clear & Free Shampoo were rendered non-viable and did not go on to hatch.
10. Do I have to use a pesticide-based treatment to treat lice?
No. In fact, many studies have shown that many lice are increasingly resistant to pesticides. An enzyme-based lice treatment shampoo is a better alternative, as lice cannot build up immunity to natural enzymes. Because they contain no pesticides, enzyme-based shampoos can be used as often as needed until the problem is gone.
No. In fact, many studies have shown that many lice are increasingly resistant to pesticides. An enzyme-based lice treatment shampoo is a better alternative, as lice cannot build up immunity to natural enzymes. Because they contain no pesticides, enzyme-based shampoos can be used as often as needed until the problem is gone.
11. Can lice live on dogs or other family pets?
No. Lice are specific to a species. Lice that infest humans can only be transmitted between humans. Animals have their own species of lice that prefer to inhabit their fur.
No. Lice are specific to a species. Lice that infest humans can only be transmitted between humans. Animals have their own species of lice that prefer to inhabit their fur.
12. Are lice dangerous?
No. You might find them scary, but they are not dangerous. The are only a gross nuisance for most people. However, the pesticides used in common OTC lice treatment products and also found in prescribed head lice treatment products can be dangerous. They are thought to be linked to the development of cancers, seizures and other terrible conditions in some children. These pesticides are absorbed into the blood stream. They are absolutely not necessary for effective lice treatment and should be avoided.
No. You might find them scary, but they are not dangerous. The are only a gross nuisance for most people. However, the pesticides used in common OTC lice treatment products and also found in prescribed head lice treatment products can be dangerous. They are thought to be linked to the development of cancers, seizures and other terrible conditions in some children. These pesticides are absorbed into the blood stream. They are absolutely not necessary for effective lice treatment and should be avoided.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing, it sounds like an interesting product!
Flint Lice Spray