I think back to last year at this time when there was a whole set of words that I had never heard before. It is like a secret vault of terms and products that non-Moms don't realize even exist. But, once that baby pops out, we use these terms like we've been chatting about them our whole lives.
Case in point: Boppy. In no way does it describe what the product is, does or looks like. But EVERY mama knows exactly what it is, AND probably has one.
I've compiled a list of Mommy-isms... Think back to before you were a mama - this list would have looked like a foreign language! I guess we know what our husbands feel like now : )
Feel free to add more in the comments section below! Maybe ones for phases I haven't gotten to yet?
- Biter Biscuits
- Boppy
- Bumbo
- Puffs (not the tissues!)
- Sleep Sack
- Sleep Sheep
- Nipple Shield
- Butt Paste
- Teething Tablets
- Gripe Water
- Playard
- Baby Bjorn
- Snuzzler
- Melissa & Doug
- Medela
- Diaper Genie
- Wee Blocker
- Soothies
- Robeez
- Dreft